Information Security ISO 27001:2013

Information Security

An organisation is responsible for protecting the information it holds.  When you entrust data to another organisation you are relying on them to protect it appropriately, but you remain responsible for it.

Information Security covers the Confidentiality of information (keeping it private), the Integrity of information (making sure it doesn't change unless by the action of properly authorised users) and the Availability of information.  As part of this regime Data Sovereignty (what legislation can be enforced) is also important.

Most of us will say that Information Security is important to our organisations, but few of us actually think about it until after we have had a problem.

Online50 are accredited to the international standard for Information Security — ISO 27001:2013 — and each year we are audited to ensure that we maintain the highest standards of care over the infromation entrusted to us.

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